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Sklep karpiowy / wędkarski z FOX– Śląsk, Katowice, Chorzów, Świętochłowice, Gliwice, Ruda Śląska, Dąbrowa Górnicza, Tychy, Bielsko-Biała, Tarnowskie Góry, Sosnowiec, Częstochowa, Wrocław, Kraków.
Fox Cookware Windshield CCW004 – ENG Description
This handy windshield provides your stove with essential protection from the wind. By shielding the stove from the wind, it will be more efficient and use less fuel.
- Lightweight aluminium construction
- Comprises 7 hinged panels
- Features pegging pins to aid stability
- Supplied with a handy carry bag
- Windshield – 14cm Height
XL WindshieldThis larger version of our popular Windshield is designed for taller standing stoves, such as our new Canister Stove. It features a lightweight aluminium construction with hinged panels and pegging panels for increased stability. It comes supplied with its own carry bag.
- XL Windshield – 24cm Height
Fox Cookware Windshield CCW004 – DE Description
Dieser praktische Windschutz gibt ihrem Kocher den so wichtigen Schutz vor Wind. Wenn sie ihren Kocher vor Wind schützen, funktioniert er viel effi zienter und verbraucht viel weniger Treibstoff. • Leichte Aluminiumkonstruktion • Sieben Gelenkelemente • Integrierte Fixierheringe für einen festen Stand • Handlicher Tragebeutel im Lieferumfang • Windshield – 14cm Height • XL Windshield – 24cm Height
Fox Cookware Windshield CCW004 – IT Description
Questo pratico paparavento fornisce alla stufetta una protezione essenziale dal vento. Proteggendo la stufa dal vento, sarà più effi ciente e utilizzerete meno carburante. • Struttura in alluminio leggero • Pannelli con cerniere • Perni di ancoraggio per la stabilità • Protegge i fornelli dal vento per risparmiare combustibile • Windshield – 14cm Height • XL Windshield – 24cm Height
Fox Cookware Windshield CCW004 – CZ Description
• Ochrana vařiče před větrem, která umožńuje lepší účinnost plynu • Lehká hliníková konstrukce • Skladá se ze sedmi panelů • Funkce fixace kolíky na podporu stability na měkké půde • Dodáváno v praktické přenosné tašce • K dispozici ve dvou velikostech – Standard a XL
Rodzaj: FOX Cookware Windshield – Standard
CENA: zł